Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gussied up for Grandma

Grace was all gussied up
to see Grandma Helen
Morning cartoons were
one of Grace's highlights.
She loved having her own
personal DVD player. She
watches Veggie Tales and
says, "want tales"
While we were taking pictures
of the stage coach they were just
as fascinated and taking pictures
of Sha Sha's pink truck

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Driggs, Idaho and the biggest
spud you have ever seen!

Jackson Hole & Swan Valley

Overlooking Jackson Hole/Grace/Pappy/Keene

Downtown Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole & Swan Valley

We went to Jackson Hole and Swan Valley for Labor Day weekend and the landscape was beautiful! The views were absolutely amazing. The rivers were full and moving rapid, the hunters were also out so there wasn't much for siting wildlife on this trip. Occasionally we'll run into a moose, elk or deer but this trip was full of squirrels and chipmunks.

Friday, September 4, 2009

August 2009

Finally an update. I've been so busy with Convention here and so sick with the new baby that pictures right now are a rarety. Here's one of Grace in August