Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Arrr...the luck of thee Irish. Caught me a little leprechaun!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day with the Ducks

Grace & Mommy

Grace loved the shoulder ride

Da Da taught Grace how to feed the ducks bread

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Amazing Grace

I took great thought and pondered months about Grace's name. I chose it carefully by meaning and definition. She has always been my amazing grace! Grace means praise and thanks to god. The meaning and underlying tones are full of such humility and love. I never could have imagined such love as I have now. Twas Grace that saved her daddy giving him hope to hold on. Twas Grace that gave me the strength to live through my trials. It seems like God always has a reason and a lesson behind every door we open. Praise be to God for blessing our lives with such a beautiful spirit!

This video touches your fibers and gives you chills as you listen and watch the strength and ponder the meaning of the words.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grace with her Zoolander "Blue Steel" pose!

Grace will not take this vest off. She grabs it to go every where we go EVEN when it doesn't match. naked or dressed, she wants to wear her vest


Bas shuuf qubaey! (check out my hat)