Monday, October 10, 2011

So my mother taught Grace how to say a prayer a couple of weeks ago. Last week Grace asked me to turn off my music so she could say a prayer. Her clone my parents. 

Second prayer request, "Heavenly Father, Congratulations!" ending it with, "and that's about it". 

Well, she tried.

Grace is now 4 and Sophia is now 1 and a half. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally, an update

I noticed that I've lagged in my duties of sharing updates and pics. Here's the latest. The kidlets are fine and growing.

Grace is full of tenacity and spunk. She's a social butterfly and sometimes I look for an "off" button. But I never find one...Her latest sayings, "whatever you say!"

Sophia is very much her own person. She's quiet (unless she's teething and wants to be held) and mischievous and very particular about the company she keeps. She's going through a phase where there are "few" in her approved circle and she'll let you know if you're not one of them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Updated Pics

It's been forever since I've updated the blog. The girls are growing like weeds and keeping me very busy. Lucy, our new weenie dog just adds to the chaos. Grace can't stop talking about going to school on a bus and with a backpack and Sophie puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. After vaccuming and seeing a clean room how does she find things to put in her mouth?? Don't know how she does it but she's a pro. She's also climbing all 7 steps up to the bedrooms. Babygate!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ghosts, Goblins and Grace

I took the girls to the "boo at the zoo" this year to trick or treat. Grace and Sophie loved the train and animals. Grace rode the carousel and Sophie didn't know what to think of it. It was a windy day but overall OK since it hadn't snowed. Afterwards we went to see Pappy at Olive Juice's house, visited Grandma Helen, went and did "trunk or treat" trick or treating out of trunks at a church in Grantsville, went to Chris' who had a crazy haunted house set up in his garage, ran over to the fire station for hot cocoa and hot dogs and a little trick or treating and then topped the night off by trick or treating at Pappy and Mammy's. You may ask yourself, how in the world did you fit that all in??? It's called being a mom in modern times...yes, you moms know what I'm talking about. Multi-tasking is sometimes just by chance and not a work of art. Grace had a blast being Pocahontas! It was a fun-filled day but I was ready to hit the hay!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

California Trip

We had a pretty good time in doors in Cali. It was pretty hot and muggy most of our visit but we managed the beach, ear piercing for Sophie and time spent with the family indoors.

Alyssa and Ruben

Robert, Dayva, Bob, Erin, Leslie

Grace, Robert, Sophia

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6 Month Comparison Cont



6 Month Comparison

I wanted to compare the looks between the two girls at 6 months to see how much they looked alike. The results are in. What do you all think?

Grace Sophia